Two New Systems = One Comfortable Home In New Jersey!

Your heating and cooling systems keep your New Jersey home comfortable all year long until one of them breaks down. When it’s time to consider your options for air conditioner replacement or heating system replacement, you may be tempted to only replace the system giving you the most trouble. The truth is, your furnace and AC systems are designed to work together. When you upgrade both systems at the same time, even if one is still working, it can help save you time, money and energy in the long run.

Still not convinced? Here are some more reasons why it’s best to replace both your heating system and cooling system at the same time:
- You’ll save on labor expenses by installing both at once (replacing them separately could cost up to twice as much). Plus, you’ll protect your investment and may avoid problems later on.
- If your new AC unit has a larger capacity than your old furnace is designed to handle, it could reduce airflow — resulting in higher energy bills.
- When you couple a new highly-efficient system with your older system, the components may not “match,” and you won’t be utilizing the new technology to its full potential. Having a matched system will allow both systems to operate properly, giving you the home comfort you need.
- Furnace manufacturers recommend replacing both systems at once to maintain maximum efficiency and longevity. Be sure to check the warranty on your furnace when replacing your AC system.
Learn more about why your heating system and AC system are a pair and why it’s ideal to replace them together:
NJR Home Services is here for you and your New Jersey home comfort needs. We offer heating repair and heating replacement, AC repair and AC replacement and electrical home repairs. Or, if you are interested in a solar panel system for your New Jersey home, simply call 877-466-3657 or complete our online request form. We’ll respond promptly and answer your questions.
Plan now for savings later. Don’t wait until you have a breakdown and your time and options are limited. NJR Home Services can keep you comfortable all year long. For more information on a system replacement, call 877-466-3657 or click here to request a quote.