Water Heater Tips to Help You Save Money and Energy

Spending more time indoors, plus colder temperatures, means your water heater may be working harder to produce the hot water you need for showers, washing dishes, endless loads of laundry and – most importantly – washing your hands! Since water heating accounts for a significant portion of your family’s utility bill, NJR Home Services is here to share some tips and tricks to help you heat your water more efficiently.
By taking a few simple steps, you and your family can help reduce your hot water usage while saving money and energy. Here are some things to consider when it comes to hot water needs in your home.

Upgrade your water heater to a more energy-efficient model. If your water heater is more than 10 years old, you could be wasting money and energy. It may be a good idea to replace it with a new high-efficiency unit so you’ll stay comfortable while saving on energy costs. Plus, utility rebates may be available through your electric or gas company.
Go tankless! Looking to maximize the space in your home? A tankless water heater may be worth a look as it’s a space-saving water heating solution that can help you save on energy costs. It provides hot water only as needed and doesn’t produce the standby energy losses associated with traditional water heaters. Additionally, if your family takes back-to-back showers, you have a large tub to fill or you have multiple uses for hot water, you may want to consider a tankless water heater.
Wrap your water heater with an insulation blanket. Who doesn’t like to be warm and cozy – even your water heater does! If you have an older water heater, you may want to wrap it in a special thermal blanket specifically made for hot water heaters. Before wrapping your hot water heater in a blanket, consider where it is stored to determine if it will help you save energy. If it’s in a basement, garage or other area where the space is colder than normal indoor temperatures, an unwrapped water heater could cause greater heat loss and increased energy use. In this case, wrapping your water heater can be an inexpensive solution to help save on your water heating costs.
Keep an eye out for a leaking water heater tank. A leaking water heater may seem like a minor nuisance, but it can quickly become a big problem. You’re not only wasting water, but it may be an indication your water heater is failing. Even a small amount of water can cause damage to your floors, sub-floors and walls. Be on the lookout underneath the tank for moisture, drips or a trail of rusty water.
Change the way you do laundry. You’ve heard it before, but washing and drying full loads of laundry can help you save energy (and this same advice goes for your dishwasher too!). If you must wash a small load, use the appropriate water-level setting. Also, try washing your laundry in cold water. If you use hot water, your water heater will be using energy to heat the water in your washing machine.
Be more efficient when using your dishwasher. Hand washing dishes is a chore that can take up a lot of your valuable time. Your dishwasher is a great alternative, but it can also use a lot of energy. Try to wash only full loads, choose shorter wash cycles and activate the booster heater if your dishwasher has one. If it’s older, consider purchasing an ENERGY STAR®-qualified dishwasher that uses less energy and water.

Do you notice that your water may take longer to heat up during the cold winter months? It’s a fact that the chillier the temperature is outside, the ground water entering your hot water heater will be colder. This may make your water heater work harder and longer to heat the water to your desired temperature, using more energy. This is another great reason to think about upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient water heater model that can help accommodate your household’s average daily hot water needs.
Water heating can be a costly investment for New Jersey homeowners and your water heater is something you’ll have in your home for a significant period of time. That’s why when it’s time to replace your old, natural gas water heater, it’s important to consider the cost, energy efficiency and longevity of a new water heater. You should consider your family’s water demands when deciding between a standard water heater and a tankless water heater.
The best way to discover the ideal water heater option for your New Jersey home and your comfort? Consult with one of our trained, trusted professionals. We know your home is your comfort zone and we’ll answer all your questions and provide a solution right for your needs and budget. For more information on our tankless water heater options, call 877-466-3657 or complete our online request form. Don’t forget, we’re also here to help with the repair or replacement of your heating and air conditioning equipment, generators and solar.